Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kasi's Going Blond

Kasi has been after me forever to put some highlights in her hair.  A lot of her friends have them, but I was still hesitant, because she is only, or was only, 12.  She turned 13 recently.

I was trying to remember how old I was when I first started coloring my hair, and I don't think I was much older than she is now.  So the other day we were in the store, and she asked again if I would highlight her hair.  This time, I agreed.

What we disagreed on was what color highlights.  She wanted purple, and I said no way.  Then she said red, and I was kind of okay with that, as long as it was a natural looking red and not a red red.  She wanted the red red.  We finally agreed that for now, I would do regular blond highlights, and maybe when she gets a little older, she can experiment with brighter colors.

It's nice to compromise.  I hope the rest of her teen aged years go this smoothly.

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