Friday, March 5, 2010

Ryan Bought A Laptop

A couple of weeks ago we bought Ryan a laptop. Well, I say we, but he saved up his own money and paid for half of it, and the rest was his birthday gift from us. We bought it at Best Buy, after I did a lot of checking online to see who had the best deal. You would think that while doing my research it would have occurred to me to look for coupons I could use, but it never did. After all the times I have written about how cheap I am, and how much I love using coupons, I totally flaked out on finding one this time. Let's just say it was a blond moment.

Of course, I found a bunch of Best Buy Coupons after the fact. That's just the way my life goes. I always find a better deal after the fact. But from now on, I am going to try and remember to find coupons for everything I buy, not just my groceries. I think that was my problem. It didn't register with me that all kinds of stores use coupons, not just grocery stores.

Ryan loves his laptop, though, which is the important thing. He even lets me borrow it sometimes. Of course, I usually have to beg a little bit first.

1 comment:

DVArtist said...

Ohhh my husband is on an email mailing list for Best Buy coupons. I have to chain him to the table not to go to Best Buy. LOL
Glad Ryan got his laptop though.
