Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Seven Random Things

It's been a while since I have done this, and since Swapna, from crafts & cooking tagged me, and since I have nothing better to do at 11pm on a Sunday night, here ya go:

***be warned...if you are a regular, you may know these already!

1. I just found out on Friday that my older sister, Tami, is pregnant with her fourth child, and I have already bought yarn and started to crochet a blanket...the yarn is kinda girlie, cause I'm really hoping for a niece!

2. I am super shy, almost to the point that I hate to go out of the house. My baby sister Colleen bullied me into going to a jewelry party at her house on Saturday, and I almost had a stroke when we had to go around the room and introduce ourselves. I'm still not over it...

3. I can solve the Rubik's cube. My mom just got me one for Christmas, and my kids love messing it up, just so they can watch me solve it again. Ryan really wants to know the secret...

4. I have a very addictive personality. If I find something I like, I am all about it for weeks, New movie I like? I will watch it every day for a month. New food? I will eat it every day! Luckily the last thing I found I enjoyed is Lean Cuisine's mushroom and spinach pizza, so I have been eating that for lunch every day. It could be worse, like chocolate or something...

5. I HATE HATE HATE when people judge other people solely based on how they look.

6. Our kitten, Ginger, is a boy. We only realized this a week or so ago, and we've had him for months, so I refuse to change his name.

7. I love my kids. The only thing I have ever wanted to be is a mom, and I love that God blessed me with my little monsters. Though the hardest job I have ever had, it is also, by far, the best and most rewarding, too.

Little story....

Junior doesn't wear his wedding band. He was a mechanic, and for safety reasons, couldn't wear it. Now it's too small, and we just haven't gotten around to getting it fixed. Well, tonight, while in bed, Brandi asked me where Juniors wedding ring is. I told her I didn't know. She asked why he didn't wear it, and I told her it didn't matter, because I knew he loved me, even if he didn't wear it. She looks at me and says...

"You have his heart...that's all that matters"

From the moth of my seven year old...

And because I am feeling lazy, I am not tagging anyone. If you do do it...I just typed do do! lol...let me know and I'll show you some love.


Missy said...

Sam and I don't wear our ring for the same reason. I worked with newborns at regional taking their photos and I was worried I was going to scratch them so I took it off and Sam would take it off to shower and I JUST KNEW it was going down the drain, so they frolic together in our drawer and I know they are safe if we ever wanted to wear them.

I hope you get that girl you wanting!!
I want to see pics of the new blanket when its finished!

Tammy said...

I find it hard to believe you are so sly. You are so open with your blogs. Thanks for letting me know you a little better.