Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Super Bowl Party

My sister is the ultimate sports freak. God knew what he was doing when he gave her three healthy boys who love to play all kinds of sports. Every year, she hosts the biggest Super Bowl Party around. She has at least a hundred people at her house, and every television is turned on, showing the game. She has a "man's" basement, with pool table and such, and a huge big screen television, where the guys hang out and watch. Tami is usually in the kitchen, preparing all the food. She definitely goes all out, making her dishes match the colors of the teams playing. She has a ton of super bowl recipes including these yummy pretzels. She special orders m&m's in the team colors, then melts a kiss on top of each mini pretzel, topping it with an m&m when it comes out of the oven. They are delicious. She also decorates her entire house. Like me, she is pretty crafty. One year she painted a glass bowl with the names of all the football teams, then painted little footballs and goalposts on it too. It came out amazing! She can use it every year since it has all the team names on it. She also buys team specific things to decorate with, like team flags and pom poms. I am going to tell her to check out, because they have a huge array of decorating and party ideas, like drinks and games. She can even print out a checklist to make sure nothing is overlooked.

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