Do you have pet pictures that are scary or funny? If so, you should enter it for a chance to win a $500 gift card to Lowe's or Home Depot. I entered the picture to the left of Ginger looking out our front door. He likes to watch the other cats, and will sit there all day long. You will have to register with the Energized Seller website, but it is free and only takes a minute or two.
I was reading the website, and found it quite interesting. I had no idea that when you are trying to sell your home, your pets can deter future buyers. I was surprised to read in their 101 Home Selling and Staging Tips that you should remove any trace of indoor pets when showing your house. I guess to someone who hates, or who is allergic to, cats it would not be appealing to know a cat lives in the home.
They had other great tips, too. They recommend removing furniture from crowded rooms, and maybe even renting furniture to make rooms look more professionally decorated. They suggest replacing carpet with neutral colors, as well as painting the walls a neutral color. They do not want buyers to see the things they will have to do in order to live in the home. Putting a little money into the house before putting it on the market can increase the value of the home, so it's a good idea to update the kitchen a little, and make sure your front door is the prettiest and most welcoming on the block. All of these tips are very helpful, and most of them I have never thought of doing.
Nice cat, looking for some mice to nibble on....Happy blogging
that picture is HILARIOUS!! and even though we haven't bought this house yet, I'm sure there will be the day that we list in on the market... so I'll be needing all these great tips!! :)
hope you win the $500!!
Hi Jenn, A tag for you...
If you would like to do it, pls come over to my blog
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