Thursday, April 16, 2009

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana

Brandi came home today with a notice about her upcoming performance at next weeks PTA meeting. Every year, each grade in the elementary school gets to perform at a PTA meeting. I have always enjoyed these performances, and luckily they change every year. This is a good thing, because with three kids, I would get tired of seeing the same thing. Brandi isn't sharing what this performance is. All I know is that she needs to wear an orange t shirt and jeans. I hate that they don't give you very much notice about they should wear. Every year, I end up having to buy something for the kids to wear. This time it's the orange shirt. Not exactly a popular color for my girls, and Ryan's would be too big for her. My only hope is that her class will be orange for field day this year so she can wear it again.

Last year, the school ordered Promotional T Shirts for the kids on field day. Each class had a different color assigned to them, and the t shirts all had the same school design on the front. I ended up buying one for Brandi, and will probably do the same this year if they Make T Shirts again. Ryan and Kasi are both too old for field day now, so it's not like I would have to buy three shirts. I just hope the school gets a good deal on the Printed T Shirts so they don't cost the parents too much money.

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