Saturday, February 14, 2009

Paintball Party

Ryan has been invited to a birthday party. It's Timmy's birthday, and for those of you who were at Ryan's birthday party, you know how much I love this whiny little kid. Ryan really wants to go to his party, though, because it is a paintball party. But, his parents are doing it themselves in their back yard. This means we will have to buy some gear for Ryan. I am the first to admit that I know very little about paintball, so I did a little research. I know he will need some type of face shield and some padded clothes. He will also need a spyder paintball gun, and even though they are a little pricey, I know he will enjoy this, so I look at it as more of an investment. I am more than happy to spend money on something he will use over and over again, and all the running around while playing will be great exercise for him. Who knows. I may end up buying gear for the whole family. It really does sound like fun, especially if I get to shoot Junior a couple of times! You know, take out some of my frustrations.


Missy said...

umm, is it wrong to suggest that IF you buy some for you then you could shoot Timmy, hee hee!!!

jenn said...

LMAO!!! You know only too well what's in my mind....

Missy said...

yesss, yess I do and you are one sick lady, hahahaha just kidding. So when should I pick you up for the party? I want a shot! (evil grin!)